The Aspect Group was formed as a result of a collaboration between four NGOs to develop the capacity of civil society in rural Hungary. We consider ourselves regional resource centers and we are committed to strengthening democracy and autonomous local communities – in practice, this means grants, training, mentorship and networking programs. We are currently running an EU-funded training and internship program together, but we would also like to create a long-term alliance where the organizations can continue their independent work while also creating new capacities. 


The members of the alliance work for a shared vision, but everyone has their own topics and methods. We think of ourselves as civil resource centers that are committed to strengthening autonomous local communities, organizations, and democracy. We provide grants, training, mentorship and networking programs to strengthen rural civil society.

The Aspect Group works for a democratic country where equality prevails. 

The association has tried its hand in many areas in the past twenty years. Currently, it has four main areas: community building and organization, capacity building of regional NGOs, running the Malter community area, and education for democratic values through participation and other creative instruments and developments. 

The aim of the Dialogue Association is to provide support for active citizens and small groups to recognize their inner needs and resources and then to use them to realize their goals. Our mission is to strengthen the active local society, supporting the active communities which can cause changes in their direct and indirect environment from the grassroots level. 

As a human rights organization, we work for a society liveable for all through human rights education, developing civil society, and building democracy.

The Motivation Community supports the social integration of the disadvantaged, especially children and young adults, through motivation, empowerment, and raising awareness in society. We mainly run compensatory programs for the disadvantaged, talent-developing education programs, awareness raising, and research and expertise activities on equal opportunities in education.