Training Program

We see ourselves asregional resource centres, committed to strengthening democracy andindependent local communities. In practice, this means implementing regranting, training, mentoring and networking activities.

In 2022-2023, the Aspect Group implemented an EU-funded training andinternship programme for young people aged 18 to 25 who want to dosomething for the community in Szeged, Debrecen, Miskolc and Pécs. Theselected candidates participated in 120 hours long training process, gainedvaluable experience based knowledge and strengthened their network ofcontacts. At the end of the training period, participants could apply for a 6-month paid internship to implement their own project.

Our approach aimed to reduce social prejudice and systemic discriminationagainst Roma and people living in poverty. The process has empowered agile,committed young people who want to do something for the community toimplement their own initiatives in education, advocacy, social affairs,fundraising, community empowerment and other important issues.

The target group of the programme was higher education students who,regardless of their subject or field of study, gained useful practical experienceand a decisive perspective during their traineeship.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


The role of the facilitator is very important in ensuring an effective andsuccessful learning process. Through his/her work, participants will understandthe material more easily and they can also actively participate in groupactivities, leading to a deeper learning.

For most of the exercises, both English and Hungarian literature is available,although for some exercises the given task includes information about asituation, which is specific to Hungary. The methodology of these exercises canbe adapted, but the content available depends on the locality. It isrecommended that the facilitator should consider the adaptability of theexercises and provide locally relevant content for the planned trainingparticipants.

If you have any questions regarding the training guide, please contact theAspect Group at for more details.

The present publication contains the main exercises of the complete (12 day)training period, but they can also be used independently. The exercises in thisguide can be used in the suggested order, building on each other to providethe material for a training course of at least three days.

Trainees of the program

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When you are needed

Aspect Group launches regional grant programme