“Dare to dream big!”
Katalin Budai organized an exciting day at the university for disadvantaged and middle-class children. The Aspect Group intern from Miskolc organized the event on the city campus so that all participants could see where people can go if they don’t give up on their dreams.
“I owe the idea to my brother. When I came to the University of Miskolc and my family visited me for the first time, I saw how enchanting the building was for him. It’s true, it’s a beautiful campus, and I loved coming here” recalls the scholarship holder. She took this experience further when she developed his own project for the internship program.

Kata’s main interest is child protection. Although she admits that due to her sensitive nature, direct assistance is not necessarily her thing, she would like to set up a monitoring service to control the foster parent’s network. She wrote her thesis on this topic and received TDK and OTDK nominations.
“I would like disadvantaged families to see where their children can go, what opportunities they have at university, what kind of help and scholarships they can get here. It was also a sensitizing opportunity. I think it’s important for people from different walks of life to connect with each other, and it helps if I can introduce them to Roma and non-Roma role models at the event.”
The event included a guided tour of the university, lectures by teachers and students, and arts and crafts activities. She also involved children from different schools in Miskolc. She recruited middle-class students from the Ilona Zrínyi High School in Miskolc, while she asked the mentors of Teach for Hungary Miskolc to help her connect with disadvantaged students. “I used my network of contacts to implement the program. I just realized how many people I am in contact with, how many people I can work with to achieve a good goal.”

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