Job-shadowing programme
Petra Makár, a trainee delegated by the Alternative Communities Association in Debrecen, gained insight into the operation and organisational structure of TASZ in the job-shadowing programme of the Aspect Group.
“During the days I spent there, I got an insight into how an NGO works, how many areas it is active in and how they try to reach as many people as possible. TASZ is present in four cities, where they organise training, public debates, advocacy, environmental protection, education, children with special needs, and awareness-raising programmes,” said Petra. “I also had the opportunity to attend the 30th anniversary of TASZ, where I was involved in the preparations and had the chance to have a word with everyone, to see how things work, who is responsible, why and how they contribute to the work of the organisation.”
Petra also said that the whole civil society sector was new to her and that she had not previously come across an organisation with a similar profile. “I think the programme has been useful, I have gained a lot of knowledge and I will definitely be open to the opportunities offered by CSR organisations in the future,” the trainee concluded.
Aspect Group’s job-shadowing programme is currently running with ten enthusiastic young people. After the training, the trainees follow the work of an organisation of Civilizáció, such as TASZ, Amnesty, Háttér vagy Közélet Iskolája, in close cooperation for a week. Building on the knowledge gained, they will soon start working on their own projects. The programme is implemented in partnership with Civilisation.