NGO networking trainees at work
During the traineeship, participants will map and analyse civil society in the region using a methodology developed jointly by the Aspect Group organisations. To this end, they monitor news about the activities of NGOs and seek to build personal contacts. Judit Pompor will gain valuable experience in this programme in the coming period.
“I first met the Power of Humanity Foundation at the University of Pécs, and then I had the chance to get to know the work of the organisation in the framework of my Cultural Mediation study. As a member of the Social Inclusion College, I was particularly impressed by the dedicated activities of NGOs. I have always been interested in this field, so I was delighted to apply for the internship, which I won in mid-November” – said Judit.

The programme, supported by the German Marshall Fund, aims to give trainees a deeper insight into the workings of NGOs and to help map and strengthen local communities.
“With the support of my mentor, Anita, I am getting to know the tasks and the civil society. I was able to participate in the Foundation’s end-of-year event, as well as in the Psiesista organised by psychology students from PTE, where I was introduced to the KIO’s human rights card game. I think it’s great how gamification can be used to convey such important topics in a playful way” – Judit said about her experience.